Nancy’s Pregnancy FLOURISHED Thanks to the Birth Circle

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All rights reserved.

Your body is going through some spectacular changes.

Are you a pregnant woman who wants to feel relaxed, energized, and connected to your baby during your yoga practice? Do you long to love your body again and soothe your mind, body, and spirit? If so, you're not alone. Many women like you struggle with sore hips, an achy back, and overwhelming fatigue when it comes to their pregnancy yoga program. But don't worry, there's a solution.

Imagine what life would be like if you could finish every yoga practice feeling both relaxed and energized. Picture yourself loving your body again, embracing the incredible changes it's going through. Envision feeling more connected to your baby, deepening that special bond with every breath you take. Unfortunately, these goals seem out of reach when you're constantly plagued by sore hips, an achy back, and relentless fatigue.

It's no wonder that exercising feels like an uphill battle for you. Your body is going through incredible changes, and it's only natural to feel sore and tired. But here's the thing: you deserve to feel good in your body, especially during this transformative time. That's why our pregnancy yoga program is specifically designed to address your pain points. With gentle movements to soothe your pregnant body and breath work and mindfulness techniques to prepare for labor, this program is suitable for all trimesters of pregnancy. Say goodbye to sore hips, an achy back, and fatigue, and hello to a yoga practice that leaves you feeling relaxed, energized, and connected to your baby. It's time to embrace the beauty of pregnancy and love your body again.

The Bye-Bye Morning Sickness formula is the proven way to banish nausea and start feeling like yourself again.

🙋🏽‍♀️ You feel like you've already tried EVERYTHING - and nothing helps. 😔

Including you! 

But morning sickness is like that uninvited guest who shows up to your pregnancy party and sucks out all the fun & joy of the experience.

No matter how much you've longed for or planned for this baby, feeling awful all day is HARD emotionally and physically.

Plus morning sickness can catch you off guard...

It's like a sneak attack! 
Even the name is misleading. More like...



Whether you are 6 weeks pregnant and just feeling the first twinges of nausea and sacred it might get worse,
or crying in a puddle beside the toilet, wondering how you're ever going to get through this,

or past 12 weeks and feeling frustrated and discouraged because your morning sickness has NOT disappeared now that you are in the 2nd trimester.

This works even if...

Morning sickness is currently making you feel like garbage, and maybe…

🙋‍♀️ You feel like punching the next person who tells you to eat crackers.

🙋‍ You feel blindsided - no one told you how debilitating morning sickness could be.

🙋🏾‍♀️ You would prefer natural holistic options but are worried you might have to resort to medication.

🙋🏾‍ You are tired of googling and you just want a step-by-step path out of this darkness.

                           This is for YOU! 

In fact, these very tactics have already helped dozens of women who had almost given up hope for a solution.  

  • You'll finally understand why this is happening in your body, and instead of just masking the symptoms, you'll know how to resolve the underlying issue.

  • The Bye-Bye Morning Sickness Formula is simple and easy to apply to ANY degree of morning sickness for effective relief.

  • You’ll receive 31 additional all-natural techniques which have all been tested and scientifically PROVEN to decrease nausea and enhance well-being.

Just like Daria here, who wrote to report:  

"Bye-Bye Morning Sickness is a life jacket when I was drowning in the misery of morning sickness.  Feeling nauseous all day was the hardest thing I've ever been through.  I desperately needed a way to feel better.  I found it in Bye-Bye Morning Sickness; within 2 days I noticed a distinct improvement and it's only gotten better from thereDaria, 8 weeks pregnant

How would your life be different if the morning sickness disappeared?

Let me ask my crystal ball… 🔮

  • You'll start ENJOYING pregnancy  (instead of enduring it).

  • Without the burden of nausea, you’ll have energy for the activities you love.

  • You’ll have acquired practical tools so you feel happier, healthier and more empowered throughout the rest of your pregnancy.

Best of all, applying the harmony code could not only reduce nausea...

It could do it within 7 days 

Nancy was feeling pretty worn down.
She was hoping for as natural as possible birth experience.  But EVERY time she shared that desire - she was warned not to get her hopes up.

 "I just wanted to share my dreams and fears for birth in a supportive environment...  with women who would cheer me on no matter what.

I found that community inside the Birth Circle."

Nancy B.

Birth Circle Member


+ Who is this for?
But wait... there is more!
In addition to the entire Bye-Bye Morning Sickness formula, I'm also going to throw in 3 new bonuses to help you create a happier more enjoyable pregnancy.

My sister phoned me sobbing...

What causes morning sickness?

I know, it might sound dramatic...



Imagine feeling excited for life again...

✍️ space to explore all the swirling emotions and thoughts that pregnancy and becoming a mom bring up.  
(we'll be using varied forms of journaling )

🎨 creative outlets to focus your mind and help you process the physical, emotional and mental changes.
(no artistic skills necessary 😉 )


Here's what's waiting for you inside 
The Bye-Bye Morning Sickness Formula... 

Bye-Bye Morning Sickness Formula

$37 USD


Money Back Guarantee

(you have nothing to lose except feeling sick) 


Hey there!  I'm Marie!

When I felt lost in deciphering my child's needs, and we all felt frustrated, baby sign language became our saving grace.

Learning this brought so much joy and ease into my parenting journey. It was like unlocking a secret code that allowed me to understand their needs, wants, and even what they were thinking about. 

The bond between us as a family grew stronger as we shared these little gestures, and made me feel like I was truly getting to know my child on a deeper level.

That's why I am creating this workshop.  I want you to have practical tools to bridge the communication gap with your little ones.

Frequently Asked Questions

Any pregnant woman dealing with morning sickness.  From occasional queasiness to intense "can't-keep-anything-down" vomiting.  This is for you.  

Best if you like holistic and natural options. 
+ What is the Bye-Bye Morning Sickness Formula? 
It’s my signature step-by-step method to wave goodbye to nausea by removing the root cause.  Start feeling fabulous again guaranteed.  You won't find anything like this anywhere. 
+ What's included?

You'll get access to everything immediately after you purchase, including:

  • Harmony Code Workshop to address and release the root cause.
  • Trigger Tracker Checklist to create a systematic path to reduce exposure to nausea triggers.
  • Feel-Good Rituals and Remedies to reduce nausea and build more well-being into your day.
  • Activating Well-Being Journal Pages to gain clarity and track your progress.
  • Access to a private Facebook group for questions and connection. 
  • Guided Meditations to reduce stress and nausea. 
  • Prenatal yoga video to build easy feel-good movement into your day.
  • Energy-boosting nausea-relief recipes to help you get the nutrition you need with ingredients that are easy to handle.
  • A pregnancy gear guide to cut through the overwhelm and get you stuff that actually matters.
We ensure that you get the support you need.  You'll have the ability to ask questions within each lesson of the program.  Plus via access to me via email and our FB group. 
+ What if I have never done anything like this before?
TOTALLY NORMAL.  Because this is a very new and different approach to morning sickness, it's completely new and different for just about everyone who purchases.  But as long as you are willing to keep an open mind, open heart and follow the steps, you WILL feel better.
+ What is your refund policy?
I'm confident that the techniques and strategies inside this program will make you feel MUCH MUCH BETTER, but you aren't happy, you can get a full 100%-no-questions-asked-refund, within the first 30 days.
+ What do I do if I need support? 
+ Will this work even if my morning sickness is so bad I can't keep anything down?
Yes, even if your morning sickness is severe this will still help.  It may take a bit longer (generally 3-14 days) to fully harmonize the connection between you and your baby.  

I. was. DESPERATE. to help.

+ How much time will it take?
Generally a couple hours a day for 7 days.  However, each pregnancy is unique, so the timeframe does vary somewhat.  For some, it may take up to 14 days to fully eliminate.  Most women report feeling an improvement as soon as they implement the techniques.
+ Do I need to be at a certain stage of pregnancy to join?
Nope!   Wherever you are in pregnancy, from your first trimester all the way to your due date - if you are suffering from morning sickness this will help! 😀

🙋🏻 You've tried the medications, but you still feel so sick & miserable that the only time you truly get relief is when you are asleep.

I'd already been supporting pregnant women for the past 18 years, specializing in the mind-body connection and developing holistic tools.

After using the Bye-Bye Morning Sickness Formula, Jill had this to say...

"Marie's approach transformed my body from feeling like a battlefield into a happy, well-integrated space where my pregnancy now feels like the happy beautiful journey I dreamed it would be."

Jill, at 8 weeks pregnant

And that's what sets this program apart

While other options tend to focus on suppressing symptoms, the Bye-Bye Morning Sickness Formula tackles the problem by resolving the root cause.

Together we are going to use the Harmony Code to make energetic shifts that enhance the deep CONNECTION between you and your baby, both on a physical and non-physical level. 

When that connection becomes completely harmonized, your body is going to start processing those hormones more successfully, and you’re going to start feeling a whole lot better → happier and healthier!

Without near-constant nausea, you’ll start enjoying your pregnancy much, much MORE.

Plus you'll further receive my extensive toolbox of rituals and remedies that not only reduce nausea, but also help boost energy, reduce stress, improve digestion, ease anxiety, and support more restful sleep.


I am 100% convinced this program WILL HELP you.  If you try out the techniques and decide in the next 30 days that you don't feel better...

You can get a full and complete refund.

Just let me know and you'll get the full cost of the program right back.

I want you to feel completely safe and confident.

I know how awful morning sickness can be.  I truly just want to share this amazing breakthrough method with you!

I don't want morning sickness holding you hostage anymore. Which is why I'm basically giving away $300 of value!

You get instant access to everything for only $37

And you don't need to blow your entire baby budget on this either!



The Harmony Code System 

🪄 The secret code to FULLY resolve morning sickness by addressing the energetic root cause!
😉 even if you think it's a bit woo-woo - it WORKS!   Just follow along easy-peasy lemon squeezy 🍋

Morning Sickness Eliminator Workshop 

I'm not going to just hand you the Harmony Code and wish you luck. 

No, you are stuck with me 😉.  I'm walking you through this system in 3 bite-sized workshop videos where I will guide you step-by-step.
( Plus you'll learn my mind-blowing secret to tap into your body's inner wisdom for healing 🤯 )


Feel-Good Rituals and Remedies 

Activate your well-being with 31 feel-good rituals and remedies.  

Each one has been scientifically proven to reduce nausea.  Plus, many of these techniques will enhance your pregnancy long after the morning sickness disappears.
( and yes, we'll go far beyond the well-meaning but relentless suggestions of ginger and crackers )

Your Trigger Tracker

Systematically identify the triggers that affect you the most.  Then create a proactive plan to avoid them.

You'll find useful suggestions and examples of strategies that other women have used successfully.  

Activating Well-Being Journal Pages

These journal pages are a powerful tool to gain clarity and insight.  You'll be using them to chart your journey and notice shifting patterns in your vitality.  

One of the best things about the journal pages is that they help you find patterns that would otherwise be invisible.

Lacey H..

Second Pregnancyr

 “Pregnancy has been a real challenge for me.  My morning sickness was so bad that I felt very lost and for the first time in my life depressed. 

This program goes so much beyond the well-meaning but relentless suggestions of ginger and crackers.  The harmony code took me a while to figure out but once I did, it make a BIG difference.  AMAZING! 

"I'd had almost given up hope." 

Guided Meditations

These nausea relief meditations will gently ease feelings of nausea. Research shows that relaxation with guided imagery decreases nausea.  

Just get cozy, hit play and calm your stomach in a safe and natural way.

Ultimate Gear Guide 

for Pregnancy

Unsure which products are actually worth it?  This practical resource list will take the guesswork out of the equation and get you the stuff that actually makes a difference.  

No fluff.  Let's get you feeling good!  

Prenatal Yoga to Ease Nausea

This gentle practice is specifically designed for pregnancy.  We'll focus on creating space in the belly.  You learn special breathing and movements that provide relief from feeling sick.

Energy-Boosting Nausea-Relief Recipes

Eating healthy when you are feeling nauseous can be really hard. Recipes to the rescue.  Each of these has been tested and approved by many queasy expectant mamas.

⭐️  Bonus: Guided Meditations (value $17)

⭐️  Bonus: Ultimate Pregnancy Gear Guide (value $17)

⭐️  Bonus: Ease Nausea Yoga (value $17)

⭐️  3-Part Morning Sickness Eliminator Workshop (value $97)

⭐️  Unique Harmony Code System (value $97)

⭐️  Feel-Good Pack: Rituals and Remedies  (value $37)

⭐️  Trigger Tracker (value $37)

⭐️  Activating Well-Being Journal (value $37)

Total Value = $356

100% Money Back Guarantee

If you're not 100% satisfied with this program after 30 days, I will gladly refund every penny you paid for it.


You get instant access to everything for only $37

Over 100 women have used this system to go from feeling sick and miserable to healthy and happy

Check out what they are saying... 


Think about how good it will feel when you grab the Bye-Bye Morning Sickness Formula then...

Find a quiet place and use the harmony code to tap into the connection between you and baby.

Start getting answers back from your body thanks to a mapped-out system complete with easy-to-follow steps.

Notice an immediate reduction in morning sickness.

Fast forward a few hours, when you have completed the trigger tracker & added in a few feel-good remedies, so easy yet impactful that you start feeling like a real person again.

Wake up the following morning without nausea, then...

Stay feeling good ALL DAY LONG!

Say hello to getting your life back again!

The Bye-Bye Morning Sickness Formula gives you everything you need 
(AND MORE!) to reduce nausea and vomiting and start feeling like yourself again!  

Let's do this!

After all, it's hard to feel excited 
about being pregnant when 
all you feel is sick.   

Join BABY SIGNS with Marie and start that magical communication with baby!

At 8 weeks pregnant, she had been trying to keep her pregnancy a secret.


NON-STOP nausea and near-constant vomiting were making her so miserable and depressed that she started to question if she even wanted to be pregnant anymore.

She talked to her doctor who told her that it was "normal" and "will pass". 

Which only made her feel angry and blindsided that no one had told her how debilitating this could be.

Between whale-sized tears, her voice cracking, she asked me "But how do I function until then?

Well hello, I'm Marie

And why does it affect some women, and others not all?

The Root Cause of Morning Sickness

If you've done some googling, (which I'm guessing you have) you'll have already discovered that morning sickness is a bit of a mystery...

It's believed to be related to certain hormones,

BUT, Western Medicine can't explain... 

  • why some women with healthy pregnancies have ABSOLUTELY NO morning sickness, while others suffer their entire pregnancy,

  • why some women have only a touch of nausea while others are puking multiple times every day,

  • why medication works for some women, but does NOTHING for others.

So if traditional medicine can't explain it or solve it... 

Maybe it's time to shift our thinking and explore a totally different paradigm.

Picture this: you and your baby are a symphony of connection.

Playing a beautiful harmony together on many levels—physical, hormonal, mental, emotional, and energetic. 

Ideally, all these systems should work TOGETHER like a well-practiced orchestra, creating a symphony of bliss.

But sometimes, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, things aren't quite in sync yet. 

It's like the instruments are playing, but they're all out of tune. 

This energetic disharmony can take different forms, but the most common one occurs when the mother's brain or nervous system doesn't quite sync up with the fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid, or umbilical cord. 

It's like your body is going, "Hey, who are you guys? You're not supposed to be here!" 

Talk about an energetic mix-up!

The result? A constant state of imbalance and stress. 

If you're going through this, you know exactly what I'm talking about. 

It's like your body has turned into a battlefield instead of a warm, welcoming home for your little one.  

As Jill told me,  "I feel so awful all the time. I don't even feel pregnant. I just feel like I'm sick." Trust me, you're not alone in this struggle.

But there's hope. 

By applying the Bye-Bye Morning Sickness Formula, we can bring back harmony, help your body adjust to those pregnancy hormones in an easier way and create a cozy sanctuary for your baby to grow

I want to share baby signs with you because it was truly one of the very best things I did with my 3 children.

As a mom, fostering deep connections has always been my goal, but parenting is challenging!  


This is the most AFFORDABLE offer that completely over-delivers!

(Also been referred to as the 'best $37 ever spent!')

I want in!
+ Why is this only $37?  What's the catch?
I get how truly horrible and debilitating morning sickness is.  I don't want the price to hold anyone back from getting relief.  So I've priced this super low so that it is accessible to everyone who needs it.

I'm a holistic health coach, childbirth educator, prenatal yoga instructor, energy worker & clinic hypnotherapist.  

Hi!  I'm Marie.

Now all this brings us to an interesting question...


I understand. 

I've been there. Wondering what they need, want, or are thinking about can be a never-ending challenge. 

It's like trying to decode a secret language. 

But just imagine how your relationship might flourish if you could bridge that gap between your baby's thoughts and your understanding.


Are you ready to start feeling better?

Inside the Bye-Bye Morning Sickness Formula, you’ll learn how to use the Harmony Code.  This is the secret code to unlock the mysterious cause of morning sickness and help your body adjust to the hormonal changes of pregnancy more easily. 
For many women, this process will result in the nausea disappearing within 7 days.  For some, with more extreme morning sickness it may take up to 14 days.  

So while that energy shift is happening for you, I have put together a collection of additional tools and techniques you’ll find useful.

These rituals and remedies are super effective, all-natural and backed by science.

First, the Bye-Bye Morning Sickness Formula dives deep into the root cause of your morning sickness and teaches you how to apply the Harmony Code to get nausea relief.

Next, you'll systematically remove the triggers that tend to make it worse and finally, you'll really activate your well-being with additional solutions including Lifestyle Tips, Mind-Body Techniques, Natural Remedies, Effective Teas, Nutritional Tips, Raw Foods with amazing effectiveness, and many many recipes.

Best of all you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that all these alternative solutions are free of harmful side effects.
Get it now and let's get you feeling better!


You’re about to discover a completely NEW approach to resolve your morning sickness at the root level.

Your Happier More Enjoyable Pregnancy Is Waiting for YOU!

The Bye-Bye Morning Sickness Formula offers you...

I'd like my pregnancy to feel like a happy beautiful journey too. [CLICK HERE]

I consulted over 72 research papers when creating this program.  And I’m including all these discoveries for you inside the Bye-Bye Morning Sickness Formula.

Every pregnant body is unique.   That is why this program takes you through a systematic approach to find the natural solutions that are most effective for you. 

Plus these rituals and remedies come with so many additional benefits...

Some are known to aid digestion, reduce stress, balance blood sugar levels, boost energy, or even uplift your mood. It's like getting a whole package deal of awesomeness; allowing you to finally ENJOY pregnancy!

Here's how it all unfolds...


The Bye-Bye Morning Sickness Formula is the easy-to-implement system to reduce or even eliminate morning sickness within 7 DAYS! 🥰

✓️ Baby Signs workshop ($353)

✓️ UNLIMITED access forever ($105)

✓️ Live Q&A to answer all your questions ($216)

✓️ Flashcards & Resource sheets!  ($55)

✓️ LIFETIME SUPPORT in our online community ($67)

30 Day No Risk Money-Back Guarantee 

14 Day No Risk Money-Back Guarantee 

You have just unlocked a special offer!

Get Your Hands on This Pregnancy "Life-Saver"


Maybe you're tired of the constant guessing game with your little one. 

Babies are hard-wired for communication. And they WANT to connect.

(after all, YOU are their favorite person in the whole world 😉)


And it's easier than you think...

Signing lets your baby share their world with you! 

Imagine that thrill of...

Teaching your baby to sign is as easy as teaching them to wave bye-bye.  

All you need is a bit of guidance to get you started.

But you might be thinking:

"Won't this slow down and impede their speech and language development?"


The OPPOSITE  happens. Research now shows that...

Babies who sign start SPEAKING EARLIER and use more complex sentence structures and have a larger vocabulary.  

And there is more...

Using signs empowers your baby to communicate their needs without restoring to frustration and tears. 

Your baby can tell you:

Replace crying with communication

Add more fun & joy to your parent-child bond

Learning baby sign language isn't just about memorizing a few gestures.

It's about understanding the principles, practicing consistently, and knowing how to adapt the techniques to suit your baby's unique needs & communication style.  

That's what I'll share with you!

Happy. Understood. Vibrant.  

- your baby -  

Then let's get started... 

Are you ready to prevent tantrums, have more fun together, and nurture a brighter baby? 

The only prenatal program that helps you deal with the emotional changes of pregnancy and keeps you active and mobile 


Your step-by-step guide to mastering gesture-based communication with your baby

This opens up a window into your baby's world


What my students are saying




Pre-Launch Special = $29

Attend Live Wednesday, April 10th at 12:30 PM Pacific

That's 3:30 PM Eastern, 2:30 PM Central, 1:30 PM Saskatchewan, 1:30 PM Mountain - YES There will be a REPLAY!


All payments are processed securely via Stripe or Paypal.




Try, if you don’t like it, you get your money back.

The whole program is yours forever!

Zero subscriptions fees or recurring payments.

This price is a one-time only payment 
and you get to keep the program for life.

Baby Sign Language Workshop for Parents
Learn how to use baby sign language to enhance your communication and connection with your baby to bring more joy and ease to your parenting.
Join Today (advanced price only $29)




greater verbal skills plus improved cognitive and emotional development. *


At 8 years old, those babies had higher IQs, putting them in the TOP

Learning to sign reduced problem behaviors typical in babies and toddlers by


At 24 months,
 signing babies show


* Based on recent research: Click here to see the studies 


  • if they are too hot, too cold, or tired
  • hungry, all done, or ready for more.
  • scared, sad, or just needs a cuddle

No more 3 am guessing games, trying to figure out why your baby is sobbing.

  • Baby signing Grandma, Grandpa, or other beloved family members.
  • His excitement when he spots a bird or a dog on your walk and can let you know.
  • Her asking you to blow raspberries on her tummy again and again.
  • Him signing "Bath Please" and his face lighting up, knowing you get it.

Baby Hannah signing SCHOOL when dad tells her they are going to pick her big brother from preschool.

Before becoming a childbirth educator, I got my B. Ed in second language acquisition and taught second language immersion kindergarten.  Learning and sharing how we, as humans build and learn language, is something I find endlessly fascinating!  

And I can't wait to share this powerful language strategy with you. Let's unlock a language of love together!

How do I know if I’m right for this? ▸What do I do if I need support? ▸Can both parents attend the workshop together? ▸What does the scientific research show about baby sign language? ▸How much time will it take to go through the course? ▸What age does my baby need to be for this? ▸How long do I have access to the course content? ▸What if my baby is already over a year? Would this still help? ▸

Frequently Asked Questions

Yup! Count me in! I want a happier brighter baby.Reserve Your Spot (advanced price only $29)


Reserve Your Spot (advanced price only $29)



Pre-Launch Special = $29

Attend Live Wednesday, April 10th at 12:30 PM Pacific

That's 3:30 PM Eastern, 2:30 PM Central Daylight, 1:30 PM Central Standard, 1:30 PM Mountain - YES There will be a REPLAY!

Trying to figure things out from the internet can be overwhelming and confusing with so many different opinions. 

In just 60 minutes with me, you'll know:

Concise Instruction You Can Impliment Right Away

  • When and HOW to start. 
  • The ideal frequency!
  • which signs are the most important (and no it's not just milk, more and all done)
  • The most EFFECTIVE way to get your baby to sign back to you!
  • How to avoid the common pitfalls that cause other parents to give up.

I have hundreds of hours of experience signing with my own kids, I've made ALL the mistakes so you don't have to!

This class is your shortcut to effective baby signs!